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Doctorate courses are mostly opted by academic oriented individuals interested in teaching and research career. Minimum requirement to apply for a Ph.D programme is bachelor's degree qualification of 4 years duration or a master's degree. Also there are options to enroll for Integrated Ph.D programe after completion of 3 years of a bachelors degree. Rajasthan has many universities both public funded and privately managed to offer doctoral qualifications. Also many universities offer post Ph.D opportunities.
It is the highest level of an academic degree one can pursue in India and most other nations. However, it is not by any means an easy task to earn a PhD degree as it requires a lot of hard work and many years to finally get the degree. A student who has a good academic record can opt for a doctoral program. Both full time and part time Ph.D programmes are offered. Candidates are required to write entrance examination and appear for interview for final selection.
To know about doctoral education and entrance exams all over India, click here