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Almost 12% of the country's area is arid. However, the locals have made use of this area by management systems of farming, pastoralism and animal husbandry. However, these methods were gradually becoming inadequate. There were widespread land degradation and to arrest this degradation process and for scientific and sustainable management of the resources, Desert Afforestation Station was established in 1952 at Jodhpur. This was later expanded into Desert Afforestation and Soil Conservation Station in 1957, and finally upgraded to Central Arid Zone Research Institute (CAZRI) in 1959 under Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi.
Undertaking basic and applied research on sustainable farming systems in the arid ecosystem
Act as repository of information on the state of natural resources and desertification processes
Developing livestock-based farming systems and range management practices for the chronically drought-affected areas
Generating and transferring location-specific technologies
Research Projects of Central Arid Zone Research Institute
National Projects
Unravelling Biochemical And Molecular Basis Of Bacterial And Fungal Endo-Symbiosis For Management Of Abiotic Stress In Plants
DUS test centre for pomegranate
Preventing extinction and improving conservation status of threatened plant through application of biotechnological tools
Production and demonstration of tissue culture raised plants under three location and collection and maintenance of elite germplasm of Date palm
Establishment of Field Gene Bank for Arid Region
Understanding the adaptation mechanism of wild forage halophytes in the extreme saline-sodic Kachchh plains for enhancing feed resources
Genetic diversity assessment, propagation and conservation of Marwar teak [Tecomella undulate (Sm.) Seem.]- An important timber tree of arid desert heading towards extinction
National mission on sustaining Himalayan ecosystems (NMSHE)-Task force-5 Indigenous Technology Knowledge (ITK)
Mitigation of climate change by enhancing C-sequestration in agriculture and adaptation strategies to thermal stress in ruminants in arid region of western India
Livelihood and nutritional security improvement of tribal farm women through horticulture.
Institutional Projects
Integrated Basic and Human Resources Appraisal, Monitoring and Desertification
Integrated natural resources monitoring in Arid Rajasthan
Development and assessment of soil erosion productivity models for rainfed cropping systems in Kachchh region
Status of community grazing lands in western Rajasthan
Wind erosion and soil loss in western Rajasthan and its impact on agricultural production.
Integrated Arid Land Farming System Research
Development of Agri-horti. system in rejuvenated ber orchard in arid condition
Long term fertilizer trial on pearl millet
On-farm assessment of integrated farming systems in arid region
Evolving grass–legume intercropping for quality fodder and soil improvement in arid region of Gujarat.
Improvement of Animal Production and Management
Studies on water requirement of arid cattle
Assessment of production potential and improvement of pasture land under different management systems
Improving farm productivity through livestock based farming system at farmers’ field
Plant Products and Value Addition
Development of baked functional foods from locally available plant sources in arid region.
Integrated Pest Management
Distribution and abundance of rodents in cold arid ecosystem of Leh
Development of integrated pest management modules for cumin, groundnut and castor
Isolation, evaluation and identification of native bio-control agents against Ganoderma lucidum causing root rot in leguminous trees
Ecological evaluation of rodent diversity in Narmada canal command area
Integrated weed management in principal crops of cold arid zone